Something to Watch

One of the projects we were working on this summer was our videos talking about SCIS and who we are. »

Modeling Corn ARC Payment Probabilities by County

USDA is set to release county yields on February 23, and these estimates will provide a lot of clarity on the size of agricultural risk coverage (ARC) payments this fall. While we wait for this information, I think a state-of-play snapshot on »

Whales in Indiana? Be prepared to comment

Ever seen a whale in Indiana? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has if you believe its recent biological evaluations on vital insecticides chlorpyrifos, diazinon and malathion. Last month I wrote about regulatory overreach and the need for farmer engagement, and »

Make sure EPA hears your voice on pesticide reviews

While last month I wrote about sustainability focusing on carbon intensity and systems such as the Low Carbon Fuel Standard that reward farmers for low CO2 emissions, another aspect of sustainability with practical implications for farmers is the environmental regulatory climate. On »

Numbers ready to calculate crop insurance payments

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service recently released county yields, which the Farm Service Agency will use to calculate Agriculture Risk Coverage - County payments this fall. The final yields and how they are calculated are gaining increasingly negative attention, especially with »