Something to Watch
One of the projects we were working on this summer was our videos talking about SCIS and who we are. »
One of the projects we were working on this summer was our videos talking about SCIS and who we are. »
One of my clients started growing oat hay in 2011. It has been interesting to see how this has worked for him. Most interestingly, this year I’ve noticed there’s truth in the Ag Economics 101 axiom: marginal revenue equals marginal »
Alcohol. One of the most controversial liquids in history. It’s so controversial there was actually a constitutional amendment enacted to ban it. Then there was a constitutional amendment enacted to make it legal again. Incidentally, these amendments also effectively destroyed and »
I was at an ethanol conference a couple of years ago, and one of the presentations included a picture of the fermenters in Gulf Oil’s cellulosic ethanol pilot plant. This seemed odd, as I didn’t think Gulf Oil had been »
A crop grown for forage is a sight to behold. I put in a lot of road time, and it’s fascinating to see the diversity among forage crops and the progression of forage cropping systems across the Central Plains. Deceptively water-efficient, »