Something to Watch
One of the projects we were working on this summer was our videos talking about SCIS and who we are. »
One of the projects we were working on this summer was our videos talking about SCIS and who we are. »
One of my colleagues developed a U.S. corn farm price model for the spring issue of Sorghum Grower. While the results held few surprises, they did make us look at a few things differently. First, commodities really do move together. This »
The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service recently released county yields, which the Farm Service Agency will use to calculate Agriculture Risk Coverage - County payments this fall. The final yields and how they are calculated are gaining increasingly negative attention, especially with »
A couple years ago, I attended a short course on a statistical analysis package for Excel. At the end of the course, James Richardson, the Texas A&M University professor who wrote the program, worked the class through an exhaustive farm »
For years, the sorghum balance sheet never changed. On an annual average, a third of the crop was purchased by ethanol plants, a third left the country for export markets, and the remaining portion was fed to livestock, used for the consumer »
2015 was a great year for the sorghum industry. Not only did we see incredible acreage gains driven by exploding demand from China, but we also saw ethanol plants re-enter the demand picture and a flurry of positive press surrounding sorghum as »