Fumonisin Update #3

After discussions with different farmers, elevators, and end users, I know there is still much confusion around the default discount factor (DF) for the corn that tests above 2.1 ppm for fumonisin. Please see update 1 about the importance of not having the grain sold before closing the claim. You can still be eligible for the 0.500 DF (default) even if your elevator does not discount a single load of grain.

I have also had my math questioned, so I have posted an Excel and Google Sheet version of a quick and dirty fumonisin calculator. The calculator is designed for RP but you can simulate YP by just setting the harvest price equal to $3.96/bu which was the base price for the High Plains. Please note that TX and OK Panhandles already have their harvest price set at $3.54/bu and that is shown in the example. If you need to change the harvest price, for example if you are in KS, you can enter that in the cell.

I can sometimes excuse ignorance of the facts, but I cannot excuse laziness on the part of some crop insurance agents. The producers that have survived 2011 and 2012 in the High Plains are definitely not lazy. They deserve our best and some have not answered the bell.